Funny Things

Probably about 1965, the kids were between 10-6, Larry and I had gone somewhere. We had told them not to drink the orange soda while we were gone. We were going to have it with our supper. We had orange soda with our dinner; I don’t remember who discovered it first. But, soon we all realized that the soda had been diluted with water and orange food coloring. No one would own up to it. So they all had to drink the fruits of someone’s labor. Every so often the subject came up and we tried to get the guilty party to “fess up”. FINALLY, about twenty years went by, everybody was pleading:”OK, WHO put the water in the soda bottle?” Randy said, “Ok, if it has to be told, I did it”. We all laughed! I think it was Steve that said:” I knew it was you!, because I knew it wasn’t me.”